Sometimes I forget that I have epilepsy, but every September I remember my first seizure. I was in high school doing well academically and socially. I probably would have attended college immediately after graduation. Instead I took off a year before attending UCSB.
Sometimes I also forget that I have been photographing epilepsy events for more than ten years. If anyone is an epilepsy photographer, I guess I am that person.
I was more of an epilepsy writer for several years too, but the evidence has almost disappeared. The articles, videos and images are now on a hidden Epilepsy Foundation site, although I found a link with a partial story on the Living Well with Epilepsy site.
Sometimes I also forget that I am a decent photographer. My son Mason says that I am not as good as the "decisive moment guy, but Mason likes my pictures. (The decisive moment guy, Henri Cartier-Bresson, is often considered history's best photographer, so I don't mind the comparison.) On my personal website, I have a photo gallery collection at www TheEpilepsyPhotographer dot com
On my photography blog, I have some posts with pictures. Those can be found here. On my older blog, I also collected epilepsy related posts on my More Than Kids blog. Those can be viewed here.